How to change the currency
The default account and invoice currency is US Dollar (USD $). You can set your account currency and the currency for individual invoices and estimates. Read on to see how.
How to change your account currency
To change your account currency, follow the steps below:
1. Go to settings.
2. Scroll down to Currency in the address section.
3. Select a currency from the drop-down menu. You can type to search for a currency as well.
4. Any future invoices and estimates will use your account currency once selected.
How to change the currency for individual invoices or estimates
To change the currency for individual invoices or estimates, follow the steps below:
1. Go to the invoice or estimate editor.
2. Select the currency from the currency dropdown in the top right. You can also type to search.
3. You will see the currency symbol and three-letter currency code in front of the amount once selected.
How to accept payments in other currencies
Thanks to our integration with Stripe, you can accept payments in multiple currencies.
Here's how:
1. Enable payments by clicking the Accept Payments link in the menu and following the instructions:
2. Once payments are enabled for your account, your clients will see a Pay Now button on the invoice:
3. Whatever currency the invoice is in is what your clients will be charged in. So, set your account or invoice currency as shown above.
Note: If your Stripe payment account currency is different than the currency you invoice in, Stripe will automatically convert the currency to your account currency.